Brilliant performance brought distress
Mr. Wright is a very successful farmers for the entrepreneurs. Overseas company he created 20 years ago by 2,000 Yuan, and become the first batch of reform and opening up a car parts manufacturer, in 2002 the output value and total assets in excess of 100 million yuan. He concluded that to today, his business gone through three stages of development. Initially, he was a man not only the Lord has the outside, what a person by his pipe. Later, business development, and to support the development of his family members to participate in the management of the company to. However, because of the capable members of the family is limited only by family members have not managed the growing business. Therefore, he began looking for capable people outside the family. Hard work pays off, Mr. Wright finally found a capable person in Shanghai, Mr. Yu. Yu, 50 years old, studied mechanical engineering background, with the state-owned enterprises and foreign enterprises as middle-level leadership positions in work experience. According to people who are familiar with Mr. Yu, he is very capable, can quickly grasp the nature of the matter and propose solutions. He is very confident, on any view of things has its own unique and very eloquent, and of what can come out of a round after round. He was very decisive and subordinates Yueyibuer. Mr. Wright Mr. Ren Mingyou as general manager, responsible for daily operations within the company; its chairman, director of market development and customer relations. Mr. Yu later as general manager, with his resolute and skilful, and soon the incompetent members of the family away from management positions, proper arrangements for the management of the company to a new level.
Overseas companies located in more remote towns, the local shortage of human resources. In addition to local economic development, many enterprises lack of personnel issues become more prominent. To support the work of Mr. Yu, Tsang Trustee enlist only one around. However, these people do not stay in there long. Good performance in other local people, where are reflected in the poor, Mr. Yu, the same people go after leaving Dahua Company to other companies, new companies are well received. Therefore, 5 years later, there was a United Overseas companies fault, the above is the general manager, following the grass-roots workers, no middle management. Internal operational problems, technical issues, quality issues resolved personally by Mr. Yu. The result is a long-term do not increase product quality, the quality of repeated warnings by the customer, quality system exists in name only.
Customers, suppliers and many friends who are familiar with the situation that Mr. Wright, general manager should be replaced. But he did not think so. In his view, Mr. Yu is the potential energy of people, business is not the current situation because of his ability, but lack of talent in society. Therefore, Dahua company's current management issues in the current social environment there is no solution to the problems. In order for the company off the hook, Mr. Wright stepped up public relations efforts, enterprise customers want the same good relations with the staff to shut their mouths, thereby reducing customer complaints.
Clearly, Mr. Wright entered a misunderstanding. So, what is it for Mr. Wright walked into the wrong area then? How can we help him correct the errors, so that his business out of the current situation?
Success Xiao He, Xiao He also lost
Mr. Wright is a very capable person. With his personal capacity, austerity and hard work, he succeeded. Thus, in his mind of such a belief is formed: as long as the company found a capable person can do a good job (we control this concept is called "hotshots mill plans"). Mr. Wright's public relations is particularly high, relying on his ability to research, market development, he gained great success. In this way, he again another belief: as long as the money spent to good relations with the staff, then all things are easy to handle, the quality can be almost no problem (we control this concept called "universal relationship map" ). Over the years, this two guided the behavior of Mr. Wright's business.
When the company's business development to his personal possession, but come, "capable mill map" should be to find capable people to tell him to help him control. He not only managed to go around looking for a capable, but also went around looking for technical genius. However, the "genius factory system map" when the company is small, is useful: the micromanager could come from a capable buttoned up and done very beautiful. However, when the company developed to a certain scale, the "genius factory system map" was not useful. The reason is simple, personal time and energy is limited, not enough of a capable, need a lot of capable people. However, without proper organization and leadership, may appear more than capable with internal friction.
"Homo habilis mill plan" a major misunderstanding is to Homo habilis, managers and leaders confused. Certain aspects of any particular person can be referred to as "capable." The most capable people in the normal sense of their own officers, they are not good for someone doing things, often have the tendency of individual heroism, they often highlight the individual for fun, not for Tuandui collaboration, not interested. The basic task of management is to do good for others dry. Manager's ability is not reflected in that he would do, but also at how he can effectively do you let people know things. The role of leadership is reflected in the spirit of how to use a different cultural background and different professional standards, the staff together different personality, personal development of staff with the development of enterprise unified together, the companies look for employees with the intrinsic value of employee orientation, and thereby allow employees to contribute their wisdom to the enterprise all. These three types of people are useful for business people. The daily operation of enterprises in order to complete the task that requires all capable to; to allow effective operation, enterprises need to establish a scientific management system and efficient business processes, development of scientific performance management and incentive mechanism, requiring managers ; but only the system is not enough, but also spiritual, but also need a healthy corporate culture and rooted in this culture of the team, so that staff can play to the extreme, so they need a leader.
In today's environment, the general manager should be the characteristics of both managers and leaders of people.鎬荤粡鐞嗕笉浠呭簲璇ヤ负浼佷笟杩涜鍒跺害寤鸿锛岃?涓旇繕搴旇涓轰紒涓氳繘琛屾枃鍖栧缓璁撅紱涓嶄粎瑕佸畬鎴愭湁鍏宠川閲忋?鎴愭湰銆佹敹鐩娿?甯傚満绛夋柟闈㈢殑鈥滅‖鎸囨爣鈥濓紝鑰屼笖杩樺簲璇ュ畬鎴愬洟闃熷缓璁俱?浜哄憳鍩瑰吇绛夎蒋浠诲姟銆傛垚鍔熺殑鎬荤粡鐞嗗簲璇ユ槸瀵逛簬浼佷笟鈥滃彲鏈夊彲鏃犫?鐨勬?缁忕悊锛岃?涓嶆垚鍔熺殑鎬荤粡鐞嗗垯鏄紒涓氶』鑷句笉鑳界寮?殑鎬荤粡鐞嗐?浼佷笟鍙湁鍒拌揪杩欐牱鐨勭鐞嗘按骞虫墠浼氬叿鏈夋寔缁彂灞曠殑鑳藉姏锛屾墠浼氬湪鎶?湳銆佽澶囧拰浜у搧涔嬪鑾峰緱鍙︿竴绉嶆牳蹇冪珵浜夊姏銆傝?澶у崕鍏徃鐨勬?缁忕悊鍗村彧鏄叿鏈夊垵绾х鐞嗚?姘村钩鐨勮兘浜恒?涓庝竴鑸兘浜轰笉鍚岋紝浠栨湁涓?畾鐨勭鐞嗘墠鑳斤紝鑳藉鐫?墜寤虹珛瑙勭珷鍒跺害銆傝嚦浜庢?鏍峰厖鍒嗗彂鎸ヨ绔犲埗搴︾殑浣滅敤锛屾?鏍风粍寤哄洟闃燂紝鎬庢牱鍩瑰吇浜烘墠锛屼粬鐨勮兘鍔涘拰瑙嗛噹灏辨樉寰楁湁浜涗笉澶熺敤浜嗐?浣嗘槸锛屼粬鎰忚瘑涓嶅埌杩欎竴鐐广?鐩稿弽锛屼粬鑳戒汉鍔犵鐞嗚?鐨勭壒璐ㄤ娇寰椾粬瀵逛换浣曚簨鎯呴兘琛ㄧ幇寰楀崄鍒嗗湴鑷俊锛屽嵆浣挎槸鍦ㄤ粬鐨勪笓涓氫箣澶栫殑浜嬫儏浠栦篃寰堥毦鍚彇鍒汉鐨勬剰瑙侊紱涓庝汉璋堣瘽鏃舵?琛ㄧ幇鍑轰竴绉嶈涓庝汉杈冮珮浣庣殑鎬佸害銆備粬鐨勮繖绉嶅績鎬侊紝浣垮緱鍏徃鐣欎笉浣忎汉鎵嶃?
鎴愪篃钀т綍锛岃触涔熻惂浣曘?鈥滆兘浜哄埗鍘傚浘鈥濆拰鈥滃叧绯讳竾鑳藉浘鈥濈粰澶у崕鍏徃甯︽潵浜嗘槰鏃ョ殑杈夌厡锛屽嵈浣垮畠闄峰叆浜嗕粖澶╃殑鍥板銆備紒涓氳繃鍘荤殑杩愪綔妯″紡瓒婃槸鎴愬姛锛屽氨瓒婃湁鍙兘鍦ㄦ柊鐨勭幆澧冧笅鎴愪负浼佷笟杩涗竴姝ュ彂灞曠殑闅滅銆傚ぇ鍗庡叕鍙稿洶灏卞洶鍦ㄥ畠杩囧幓鐨勬垚鍔熸ā寮忎笂銆?br />
澶у崕鍏徃杩囧幓鎵?緷璧栫殑鎴愬姛妯″紡锛屼粖澶╁凡缁忓湪寰堝ぇ绋嬪害涓婂け鏁堜簡銆傚洜姝わ紝瑕佹憜鑴变粖澶╃殑鍥板锛屽ぇ鍗庡叕鍙稿繀椤绘斁寮冭繖浜涙棫鐨勬ā寮忥紝鏍规嵁鏂扮殑鐜板疄鎸夌収鏂扮殑瑙傚康寤虹珛璧锋柊鐨勭簿绁炲湴鍥?鎬濈淮鏂瑰紡鍜岃涓烘柟寮?鏉ユ寚瀵间粖澶╃殑杩愪綔銆?br />
棣栧厛锛屽崕鍏堢敓鍜屾父鍏堢敓閮藉繀椤绘敼鍙樹粬浠殑瑙傚康銆備粬浠簲璇ヨ璇嗗埌鈥滆兘浜哄埗鍘傚浘鈥濈殑灞?檺鎬э紝璁よ瘑鍒板綋鍏徃鍙戝睍鍒颁竴瀹氳妯″悗锛屽甫棰嗕紒涓氬墠杩涚殑涓嶆槸涓汉鑻遍泟寮忕殑鑳戒汉锛岃?鏄吋鏈夌鐞嗚?鍜岄瀵艰?鐗硅川鐨勮亴涓氱粡鐞嗕汉銆傚崕鍏堢敓杩橀渶瑕佹憜鑴扁?鍏崇郴涓囪兘鍥锯?鐨勬潫缂氥?浠栧簲璇ヨ璇嗗埌锛屽叧绯诲彲浠ュ府鍔╀粬杩涘叆涓?釜甯傚満锛屼絾杩涘叆甯傚満涔嬪悗鐨勮壇濂借〃鐜颁笉鏄潬鍏崇郴鎵?兘鎹㈡潵鐨勩?鍥犱负甯傚満绔炰簤瓒婃潵瓒婃縺鐑堬紝姣忎釜浼佷笟閮藉皢鏈?粓闈㈠婵?儓甯傚満绔炰簤銆傚湪杩欐牱涓?満绔炰簤闈㈠墠锛屾幒涓嶅緱鍗婄偣鍋囷紝鍚﹀垯锛岀粓灏嗕細琚競鍦烘墍鎺掓枼銆備粬鍚屽鎴蜂箣闂村缓绔嬬殑鑹ソ鍏崇郴锛屽苟涓嶈兘浠f浛瀹㈡埛浼佷笟鐨勫墠閫旓紝涔熶笉鑳戒唬鏇垮鎴蜂紒涓氬伐浣滀汉鍛樼殑涓汉鍓嶉?銆傚洜姝わ紝瑙e喅瀹㈡埛鎶辨?鐨勬渶鏍规湰鏈夋晥鐨勬柟寮忔槸鎻愰珮鑷繁浜у搧鍜屾湇鍔$殑璐ㄩ噺銆?br />
绗笁锛屽崕鍏堢敓搴旇鏀瑰彉瀵规?缁忕悊鐨勮?鏍告爣鍑嗐?瀵规?缁忕悊鐨勮?鏍镐笉浠呰鏈?鈥滅‖鎸囨爣鈥濓紙濡傚埄娑︺?鎴愭湰銆佹姇璧勫洖鎶ャ?甯傚満浠介绛夛級锛岃?涓旇繕瑕佹湁鈥滆蒋鎸囨爣鈥濆嵆瀵逛汉鐨勫煿鍏诲彂灞曘?瀵逛汉鐨勫彂灞曞寘鎷袱鏂归潰鐨勫唴瀹广?涓?槸瀵瑰憳宸ョ殑鍩硅鍜屾暀缁冿紝閫氳繃鍩硅鍜屾暀缁冩彁楂樺憳宸ョ殑鍚勯」鎶?兘锛涗竴鏄府鍔╁憳宸ユ彁楂樿嚜宸辩殑閫傚簲鑳藉姏锛岃兘澶熸牴鎹晢涓氱幆澧冪殑瑕佹眰杩呴?鍦版敼鍙樿嚜宸辩殑鎬濈淮鏂瑰紡鍜岃涓烘柟寮忥紝浠庤?浣夸紒涓氳鑾峰緱瓒冲鐨勫簲鍙樿兘鍔涳紝鎴愬姛鍦板簲蹇?鍙樺寲鐨勭珵浜夌幆澧冪殑鎸戞垬銆傝嚦浜庢?鏍锋楠屾?缁忕悊鍦ㄤ汉鐨勫彂灞曟柟闈㈠仛寰楀ソ杩樻槸鍧忥紝鏈夎澶氱殑鏂规硶锛屼絾鏈?噸瑕佺殑鏄湅1锛夋?缁忕悊鏄惁浣胯嚜宸卞湪浼佷笟鍐呴儴鍙樺緱鈥滃彲鏈夊彲鏃犫?锛岃?涓嶆槸浜嬫棤宸ㄧ粏閮借浜茶嚜杩囬棶锛?锛夊寘鎷川閲忕鐞嗕綋绯诲湪鍐呯殑鍚勯」瑙勭珷鍒跺害鏄惁鐪熸鍙樻垚鍛樺伐鐨勮嚜瑙夎鍔ㄣ?绗簩涓寚鏍囧悓鏃跺弽鏄犲嚭鎵?缓绔嬬殑绠$悊浣撶郴鏄惁鍚堢悊鏈夋晥銆?br />
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